Monday, 6 October 2014


30 kilograms is a lot. A lot of anything! I probably can't even lift 30kgs. It's hard to believe that just over two years ago, that's how much extra weight I was carrying around. Of course, at the time it didn't really FEEL like I had an extra 30kgs on me and, until I see photos of what I looked like before, I have a pretty hard time believing it.

Honestly though, it's my biggest achievement so far. Never in my life did I think I would sit in front of the computer and announce to the world (or at least, my lovely readers) that I had managed to shed 30 kilograms from my body. I won't say it was easy, because nothing is as easy as sitting at home, eating junk food and not exercising. I didn't find it that hard though, which might come as a surprise to some of you.

I often get frustrated with people who feel like they need to go on crazy diets or exercise until they throw up to get results. Okay yes, what I did may not work for everyone, but surely there is no need to go to such extremes. My journey took awhile (2 years) but it was healthy and gradual so I'm feeling pretty confident that I will manage to keep my weight off in the future. With a few tweaks here and there I managed to change better my lifestyle and the weight loss was just a natural part of it. When you cut out the crap you eat and add in some exercise, something is going to change.

I thought I'd share a couple of changes I made that helped me not only lose the weight, but be a bit more healthier too.

This is fairly obvious but pretty hard to do. I'm no nutritionist but I know that eating packaged food that is full of processed rubbish can't be good for you. I tried my best to stop eating takeaways (at least the really bad ones like McDonalds, KFC, Wendy's etc) and if I did need to eat on the go, I tried to go for better options like Subway, sushi or Tank. Once I did that I noticed quite a big change to my body as well as to how I felt. Eating good, real food is so much better for you.

Again, this isn't rocket science. Exercise means you are using energy and burning calories. If you are using more than you are putting in, you'll start burning fat which means you will start losing weight. Not only that, but I found that when I exercised, I wanted to eat better. As you start looking after your body you want to nourish it, rather than treat it as a rubbish bin. 

Exercise is tough, especially when you are just starting out. I barely managed to run 10 metres when I started but I stuck at it and eventually my body started learning and I was running further and further every time. It's also important to find something that you like, otherwise working out will just end up feeling like another chore. Make sure you try classes, weights and different forms of cardio so you can really figure out what works for you.

This doesn't have to necessarily mean the number on the scale. It could just be images or measurements. Whatever way you decide, note it down or save those photos. Whenever I'm having a bad day (as in, I want to eat all the food and do none of the running) I find it helps to flick through old photos of me. This can trigger memories of how you felt at the time and prove to yourself how far you've gone so far.

Sometimes we all need an extra bit of motivation, especially on those days where you're feeling a bit down and not in the mood to do anything. Having little goals, whether they are weekly or monthly, can definitely help when you need an extra push. It could be the new dress you saw in the weekend, a new weight to hit or even to run that little bit further. Let your friends and family know as well, so when you need that support you know where to look for it.

This is a big one. Often we start these journeys because we are pressured by other people. We don't feel pretty enough, we want people to love us more for it, our friends are doing it. Remember why you started and do it for yourself. At the end of the day, it's your body, your health, your life. Feeling pressured can mean that you are starting for the wrong reasons and result in you having a negative attitude towards your journey. You are the person who will benefit the most from this. More energy, better sleeps, brighter eyes, clear skin. Only good can come of eating healthy and exercising so make sure you remember that.

My journey wasn't perfect. I definitely struggled. There were days when I just wanted to give up and "be fat again." Luckily, I managed to get through those times but it wasn't easy. It's all about living and learning though, and adjusting as you and your goals change. At the moment, I'm quite happy where I am. I like how clothes look on me (and the fact that I can shop at regular stores now.) I know that I'm at a comfortable fitness level where I can go and be active without dreading it too much. Food is a bit harder, but I'm working on it. Knowing what food makes me feel good and what makes me feel awful definitely helps and it's always going to be a work in progress. 

I think being part of a community definitely helps as well. Sometimes you need the support and motivation from people who are going through the same things. Have you guys recently started a health journey? How are you finding it? Let me know in the comments. 


  1. You are SMOKIN! And quite frankly, amazing. I'm going for a walk this afternoon, thank you miss-motivation!

    1. Haha! Stop it! Thank you so much Jackie :) Bahaha you go girl! I hope it doesn't rain on you! x

  2. Such a great and inspirational post! I am trying to lose weight aswel so this has spurred me on :) xx

    1. Lauren, I'm so glad you liked it! And you can definitely do it :) Just set some small goals and try and stick with them, you'll get there! x

  3. This is truly inspirational Kate! You look incredible!! I love reading all your tips and tricks on here, and especially how honest they are. I've always had a really hard time getting motivated, and then when I do I seem to just lose weight too quickly all at once and then my eating habits slip and it piles back on again with more added! It's amazing to see your transformation and it really goes to show that with some small lifestyle changes, time and patience, determination and hard work you can achieve anything! And without drastic measures! It really inspires me to get out there and start working hard to get healthier! Go you!! xx

    1. Oh Hayley, thank you so much! I totally know what you mean and I think mindset is a huge part of being successful. Because my main goal was being healthy, and I was more focused on that than the weight loss side. I think it made a huge difference because I changed my lifestyle to make me feel better, rather than look better. You can definitely do it as well! Just take a look at a few aspects of your life and see if they could be tweaked to be a bit healthier and I'm sure you'll get there :) x

  4. I have started my journey to become fitter, stronger, healthier and lighter. It has been a life long battle. I love exercise but find food so very hard. I know that I can do anything I set my mind to, but find sustaining it hard when doing it without support. I loved reading about your journey and have to remember to be kind to myself and like you say when it gets hard look at where you've come from, and the feelings associated to that. My goal this week is to exercise 4 or more times and no rubbish food (read sweet food or chocolate) ! I know people say have a little but I just can't do it so decide not to start. Thanks for your motivation.

    1. Oh Kim, that's awesome! Even just having the motivation to get started can be hard. I definitely know what you mean about doing it on your own. Unfortunately, we are the only people that can turn our lives around and it does require a lot of strength to be able to do it. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading my post. Just remember, changing your lifestyle is pretty huge and it will take awhile for your body and mind to get used to it. I really believe in you though, and there is no reason why you can't achieve the goals you have set for yourself x

  5. This is incredible, Kate! Such a inspiring transformation. I really like your tips like because they come from somebody who has clearly experienced and benefited from making changes towards a better lifestyle. Keep it up!

    Rachel | Rachel is Elsewhere

    1. Oh I'm so glad you like my post Rachel! Thank you so much :) x

  6. This is brilliant! Well done for being so motivated to be healthy :D seems more attainable now, thank you :) xxx

    1. Thanks Evie!! The motivation isn't always there but the want to be healthy is and I think that's what makes the difference :) xx

  7. What an awesome achievement. I'm struggling with my weight as I have been for years, reading this was inspiring

    1. Thank you Lena! I found that viewing it more as working on my health, than losing weight, definitely helped a lot. That way you are more focused on how you feel and nourishing/looking after your body and the weight is a natural result from that x

  8. This is great Kate! Very inspirational. Once you start losing just even 1kg it gets easier and easier to start moving, then walking and then perhaps running.

    1. Thanks Kellie! Yeah for sure. Your fitness definitely improves as you go, which means you can do more and burn more! :)

  9. Kate you're so amazing! A true inspiration for everyone out there! I love seeing watching you on your journey through you FB & insta, you've come such a long way and you look SO good! You've not just lost weight... but you look so happy and so healthy too, and that's the most important :) Thank you for the motivation :)

    1. Oh Seani!! Thank you so much :) Not only for your lovely words, but for your support the whole way through :) xx

  10. Congratulations Kate! I read this post on the train this morning and I found it super inspirational!!

    I used to have terrible dietary choices myself (eating out all the time), but then I started playing sport a few times a week, and cycling to work instead of commuting and man my fitness rocketed (I still eat like crap :)) I think it helps quite a lot if you exercise as part of your commute as you have to go outside anyway, so why not get something out of it?

    Anyway, great job again!!

    1. Oh thanks Ben!! Yeah, you are totally right! It's definitely easier when you integrate it into your every day instead of having to make time for exercising. Plus, it would be so good for you to get out in the fresh air :)

  11. Wow a really awesome read, Inspires me to keep going on my own journey! I am 7 kilos down with roughly another 43 to go, which seems so daunting but reading posts like this make me see that it is doable and possible! Thanks :D

    1. Thank you!! I'm so glad to hear that :) I definitely know how hard it is to keep it up, but just know that it's totally worth it. Don't be hard on yourself if you're having a bad day, it's the small things that count so make sure you nourish and look after your body because you'll feel so much better for it! x

  12. Awesome Kate, you're such an inspiration x

    1. Oh Nicola, thank you so much! And congratulations again on your half marathon time (and even just for running it at all!) x

  13. This is a huge inspiration. I've been quite the opposite. Always been skinny but recently weight have started creeping up and before I realize I'm 10 kgs more than my normal. Easier to gain and lot harder to lose. Lack of motivation doesn't help either. Usually my body responds to exercise very quickly but It's been so stubborn since last 2 months. Really need to up my game. Thank you for the inspiration Kate. Also, shooting you an email about your blog design. Love it! Nishu xx

    1. Oh thank you Nishu! Haha isn't it funny how different humans are? I guess it's hard when you've never really worried about it, and don't notice it changing. Definitely a lot easier to gain, especially with all the yummy food around. I say to just make small changes (more with what you're eating) and you'll be surprised at how much of a difference it makes. Starting is the hardest part though, but I'm sure you can do it! :) Ooh exciting! Thank you xx

  14. Hi Kate! I found your blog because of your story on PopSugar and it was so inspiring!

    I've struggled with weight my entire life. When I graduated high school, I took the initiative to lose 40 pounds. By the time I entered my sophomore year of college, I gained about half of it back. Finally, towards the end of my junior year of college, I decided to end my weight battle once and for all, and completely change my lifestyle. I ended up losing the weight I had gained back plus an additional 15-20. To put that into perspective, I started January 2013 weighing about 197 lbs and by August 2013, I was at 165 -- the lowest and healthiest weight of my life.

    Since graduating from college in May, I've gained back the weight. I'm about 197 again and this brings me to tears every single day. I still exercise 3-4 times a week, but I know I've lost track of my eating habits. I totally understand that feeling of just giving up and "being fat" again because that's what I'm struggling with every day. I'm trying to find the determination to lose the weight again and become the happy and healthy young woman was just three months ago. I'm so mad at myself for gaining back the 30 pounds I worked so hard to lose.

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey! I plan on to keep reading your blog so I can stay inspired and find a daily reminder to live a happy and healthy life!
