Friday, 23 May 2014

It's Friday! // 05

Every Friday I'll be sharing a couple of links to stuff that I think is awesome, and that you might like!

Holy yum! I am obsessed with donuts. I think more because of how they look than how they taste (although they do taste mighty fine!) I'm planning on having a donut party at some stage. It's happening. Anyway, these are beautiful. 

Have a guest room but not sure what to do with it? Here are 25 awesome ideas to make it something special. Your guests won't want to leave! 

I found this talented man, David Downton, on Pinterest and am in awe. I LOVE this type of artwork. I might have to give it a go, now that I've started my Visual Diary project. What better reason to experiment!

I bought my first blush the other week. I'm nearly twenty three and I've only just gotten around to owning proper makeup. My face is normally make up free but I've decided it's time to learn a couple of tricks so I can glam up properly for a night out. I will probably be referring to this article to make sure I'm not making any make up mistakes haha!

This DIY is amazing. I seriously have to have. Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to make something like this. However, if you feel like making it for me, go for it!

This song is so great and it makes me miss MJ so much. No matter what scandal surrounds his name, he will always be one of my favourite musicians. PLUS. There is Justin Timberlake, who always makes life a little better. 

And of course, my video for the week. You've probably seen this video already but just in case, check out Sia performing live on Ellen. I love this song and that little dancer is amazing. Amazing!!


Well, I certainly need to work on more blog posts. It seems like all I do is post a couple of links every Friday. I have projects and ideas that I mean to share, but as the days are getting darker, I'm losing precious photo time. This weekend though, I'm going to dedicate some serious thought to the posts that have been on the back burner a bit so get ready!!


  1. I will just have get more blogposts together so you know what products to buy! =).. wonderful as always xxx

    1. Haha you will! I definitely don't think I can go at it alone ;) xxx
