Thursday, 20 February 2014

Meet and Greet : Tillie from Hello Tillie

Alright, onto the next gem from my F R I E N D S list. Tillie has been on the blogging scene for awhile but only really started to get into it seriously over the last six months. She's currently taking Melbourne by storm and is working towards a healthier lifestyle. She's also super talented and I'm so lucky to know her.

Right, let's start with an easy one. What is the name of your blog? 
Hello Tillie. Original right? I suppose it came from the idea that this space was going to be about journey and discovery, and it was more about me learning who I was, and saying a big ol' Hello to myself. 

And what do you do when you aren't blogging?
I like to keep myself busy doing all sorts of fun little bits and pieces. I run a little Photography and Design business called The Poppy Creative, I doodle in notebooks, I collect nail polish and Frankie magazines, I make lists, I wear red lipstick, I hold hands with a cute boy named Greg and I like to listen to all sorts of music. 

Why did you decide to start a blog?
I started Hello Tillie as a place to keep myself motivated, and keep a journal of the progress I made as I began my journey to health for about the hundredth time. For me, it is a place to keep a track, but it since I started the blog in June it has turned into even more than that. Its a place to share recipes, information and find community with like minded awesome folk who are also on the same kinda journey, or maybe looking to start. It also is home to a whole lot of other stuff, that makes me smile and inspired. It is sort of an eclectic space, so it feels like home. 

If you had to describe yourself in only three words, which words would you use?
If you know me, This is hard. I like to talk. Three words, lets see. I'm going with... Passionate. Creative. Determined.

Name 5 things that you would like to achieve this year.
I have heaps of goals this year. {you can read about most of them here and here.} But let's see. 
1. Lose 28 Kilos through healthy eating and focused exercise. 
2. Launch Jewellery Line and sell some of that work. 
3. Be tattooed at least 2 more times. 
4. Read 10 more books. 
5. Explore Melbourne and Australia more, with the love of my life. 

Okay, just for fun... What song currently sums up your life right now?
For someone who loves music, this is like torture. Uh! Seriously, this is hard. I listen to so much music, and have so many little connections with so many different artists. I guess right now I would say that "Big Jet Plane" by Angus and Julia Stone. It talks about falling in love and going on a big adventure. That's right about where I am right now. I am also listening to a lot of really radical music by some great bands like, Kodaline, James Vincent McMorrow, Daughter, Bear's Den and City and Colour. *Swoon*

What TV show are you digging at the moment?
Man, there are a bunch. I am obsessed with Chicago Fire and Chicago PD. If you haven't already, go and watch. I mean hello, firemen and police... Yes thank you. I am also really digging The Walking Dead, Nashville, The Blacklist, Suits, American Horror Story and I am not afraid to admit it, The Vampire Diaries gets weekly viewing time as each new episode airs.  

Tonight is your last meal. Just kidding! But for the sake of the question, what would you want to eat as your last meal? 
Phew! You had me worried. I love food, I mean seriously have you seen my instagram? I think it would be something mexican. I freaking love mexican. Failing that, I make a pretty amazing paleo-friendly dish, Chicken wrapped bacon rolls with kumara chips and a beautiful fresh salad with a garlic and olive oil vinaigrette. 

Let's say, hypothetically, that you could travel to anywhere in the world. Where would you go, and why?
This is almost as difficult as the music one. Um. Egypt. No wait, Paris. Italy? Um! Haha, Lets just say I would book a round the world trip, get off at every stop, spend 48 hours running around the city I was in, photographing the locals and the cute little stores, and then sleep on the plane as we headed to the next destination. Now that, that sounds like a dream. 

Looking waaay into the future, where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
First of all can I say, that in ten years time I will nearly be 35. What?! I suppose the dream is owning a little shop. A studio out the back, somewhere I can photograph my amazing clients and a dedicated space for editing and viewings. A place where I can be creative and design. Out the front, a little shop full of beautiful hand made and well designed giftwares, perhaps jewellery and other neat stuff like that. I reckon there might be a cute husband with a ginger beard, and maybe a little one, or two running around as well. 

How did you and Kate meet?
I met this super babe at Design School a few years back, it seems like a world ago, but it really wasn't. I moved from Auckland to Wellington to be closer to my family, and thankfully we kept contact. We have started little projects together, and now we are right in the midst of the 365 miles over days challenge. She is rad and I am stoked to call her my pal. 

T I L L I E, it's been so good getting to know you a little better. She's a super talented designer and photographer as well so make sure you check out her work. Plus, her blog is full of awesome photos and tasty recipes to don't be shy. Go and say hello.

You can find her on facebook / instagrampinterest / the poppy creative


  1. Yay! Tillie! Loved reading this :)

    1. She is seriously the best! And her answers were so fun :)

  2. Yay! Tillie!!! You girls are my blogging faves. *shh! don't tell the others*
    I know you've just finished your meet&greet set but I would love to swap buttons with you sometime girl. You don't *have* to brag about me. Hehe.

    1. Haha your secret is safe with me ;) I would LOVE that! Let's make it happen. You can email me at if you like?
