Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Etsy : Confetti Birthday Invitation

What's that? Another invitation?! You guys, I'm on fire! Well, not really. However, it's a pretty big achievement that I have designed two in the last two weeks. I'm hoping to keep this up and bring a lot more invitations into my store. It's a bit boring having the same ones all the time, don't you think?

You can see my new invitation, which is perfect for ALL ages, here.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jackie! I'm hoping it will sell well on Etsy :) x

  2. Owell, can't make it this year. :P Hopefully soon enough though. Happy birthday Katester <3

  3. Hey Kate, these designs are absolutely gorgeous! Just wondering what the font is that you've used for the main body of the text? It's beautifully simple! Will definitely be buying invitations via your etsy later in the year for my 21st :D

    1. Hi Tash, Thank you so much! The font is Champagne & Limousines http://www.dafont.com/champagne-limousines.font - it's one of my favourites! And that's so great to hear :) I look forward to working with you x
