Wednesday, 1 January 2014

365 Miles Over Days

I am pretty excited to share my 2014 exercise challenge with you. I didn't quite complete my AMileADay /APhotoADay challenge last year but I decided that, while I didn't finish it, it was a great way to kickstart a healthier lifestyle. That's why I put my thinking hat on this year and came up with a new challenge for 2014.

Luckily, my beautiful friend Tillie, decided to jump on board as well. I met this sweet chick a couple of years ago when we were both at a design school in Auckland. She moved back down to Wellington but luckily we stayed in touch! Over the last year we have grown so much closer and for that I am glad. Having wonderful friends is the best, especially the ones who want to go on crazy ass exercise journeys with you.

Here I stand, 1/1/2014

So here it is. 365 Miles Over Days. Basically, we will be trying to clock at least (I'm hoping for more) 365 miles by running and walking over the course of the year. It's pretty similar to my goal last year except this time, I won't feel so guilty if I miss a day. The best part of this challenge is that if you go without exercising one day, you can make up for it the next. As long we hit our 365 miles at the end of the year - we will have succeeded!

Of course, we couldn't make it too easy, so we decided to add a monthly challenge on top of our miles. Here are our goals for each month. I know for a fact that a lot of them are going to be very hard, but I'm pretty excited to see how both of our bodies and fitness levels change while completing them every month.

So that's that. This is what I will be trying to achieve in 2014. I am actually so pumped and can't wait to get started. The fact that I also have a friend who is joining in means we will both have someone else who is encouraging and motivating us to keep going. 

Feel free to join us on this journey! Whether you are a walker, a runner, or just someone who is looking to work towards a healthier life, this challenge is definitely for you! We would love to hear from you if you are looking at joining us. PLUS. We have a hashtag, which makes this pretty legit. While I will only be posting monthly updates you will still be able to follow me on my instagram or by using our hashtag #365milesoverdays

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