Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Ugh. Monday.

Yesterday was Monday. Usually, Mondays suck anyway because it's your first day back at work after what is usually a good weekend. This Monday sucked more because it was my first day back at work after three weeks of holiday. It's funny how quickly you slip out of your daily routine when you are on holiday. Late mornings, big lunches, lazy afternoons and fun evenings. It's easy to forget what life was like before you could do whatever you liked everyday. 

But, here we are. Back to reality. Back to 6.30am wake ups. Back to morning runs and home made lunches.  Now that I've given my little blog a bit of a push, I have definitely noticed how important it is to schedule time to get things done. That's life though. Planning is necessary if you want to succeed so I'm going to try my best. 

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