Sunday, 29 December 2013

Instagram : 2013 At A Glance

Well, 2013 may have been my best year yet. I can't believe how fast it has gone! To be honest, I'm pretty darn proud of myself. This time last year I never imagined that I would have lost 17kgs, been able to run 4km and started my own little design business on Etsy.  

I decided at the beginning of the year to take part in a "AMileADay/APhotoADay" challenge. I failed miserably (running nowhere near a mile a day) but it did kickstart a healthier lifestyle and for that I am thankful. Next year I am starting a new challenge with a special friend (I will share more on that later) so I can only hope to improve even more. 

My Etsy business is not exactly flourishing but I have sold over 30 invitations so far, which is a pretty good achievement if you take a look at how much competition there is out there. I gave up on coming up with new designs at the end of this year but I have a plan for next year! And that's what matters. 

I decided to put together a little "2013 recap" post to sum up the year. It has seriously has been an amazing year (with some not so amazing parts but we won't go there haha) and I am so excited to see what 2014 will bring.

I put this badboy together with the help of  Prinstgram

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